Pricing & Capacity Information

Available Facilities

Sanctuary:  250
Includes baby grand piano and complete sound system

Fellowship Hall:  100 people maximum
Adjacent full kitchen that can accommodate food, including oven ranges. All appliances are for warming food only.

Conference Room:  60 people maximum
Includes a mounted 55” TV screen

Fireplace Room:   30 people maximum
Includes a gas-based fireplace

We do not rent our facilities from sundown on Fridays to sundown on Saturdays.


Rental Fees

Half Day / Full Day
Half Day / Full Day
Sanctuary (Non-Wedding) $0 / $0 $175 / $300 $150
Fellowship Hall & Kitchen $50 / $125 $125 / $250 $125
Conference Room
     (no kitchen access)
$40 / $75 $75 / $125 $75
Fireplace Room $25 / $25 $35 / $70 $50
Wedding Package $125 (full day only)** $500 (full day only) $300
Funeral/Memorial Service No Charge No Charge n/a

Half day = 0 to 5 hours            Full day = over 5 hours

**Note: Bride, groom, or parents of the bride or groom must be a church member and be responsible for all
clean-up of facility afterwards.

Standard Room Usage Rate
Includes the services of the Interior Facilities Coordinator and reasonable custodial services following the event.
If additional service are needed, additional fees may be charged.

Late Departure
The Church’s closing hours for room usage are as follows:
     Sunday – Thursday:  11:00 p.m.
     Friday:  sunset
     Saturday:   12:00am (midnight).

Funeral / Memorial Services or Dinners
No charge.

Wedding Fees
Weddings are charged as full-day events and include rehearsal and/or set up times. Fees include usage of sanctuary, fellowship hall, kitchen and two changing rooms.